Visible Okinosima Calendar
- Indicates a day when Okinoshima was clearly visible.
- Indicates a day when Okinoshima was visible.
If you want to see Okinoshima now, try viewing it with the Michibiki Okinoshima App cam. You can have a self-guided virtual tour of World Heritage Okinoshima.
Introduction to the Self-Guided Tour World Heritage Okinoshima (External Link)
- Discover
- Ancient Rituals on Okinoshima
- A Legacy of Faith in the Three Female Deities
- To preserve this World Heritage Site for future generations
- Okinoshima (Okitsu-miya, Munakata Taisha)
- Okitsu-miya Yohaisho, Munakata Taisha
- Nakatsu-miya, Munakata Taisha
- Hetsu-miya, Munakata Taisha
- Shimbaru-Nuyama Mounded Tomb Group
- Efforts toward Inscription
- Publications
- Panoramic Landscape Viewer